Minutes 2017

Ridgman 2017 minutes of the meeting

Committee meeting, South Gallery, Great St. Mary’s Church, 14:00, 17 June, 2017.

The meeting was called to order by Alan Winter at 14:03.

Present: Oliver Bardsley, Cambridge University; Alban Forster, Ely; Chris Woodcock, Lincoln; Tom Scase, Suffolk; Simon Dixon, Peterborough; Ann Evans, Hertfordshire; Sue Silver, Bedfordshire.

All competing teams were represented.

The minutes were approved as circulated, nem con.

Comments on the organisation: All were very happy with the running of the day.  The provision of beer was welcome, and the arrangement seemed to work well.  Teams were happy with a morning competition, although some from Lincolnshire did have to start their journeys at 6:30 am.  

Problems arising during the competition: Busking outside the church was audible in the ringing chamber during practice and test pieces.  This did not interfere with hearing the bells, but it did present strong competing rhythms which were somewhat offputting.

Next year’s competition: St Peter’s St. Albans have offered to hold the competition on the 3rd Saturday in June 2018.  At present the invitation is for an afternoon event.  Were there strong requests for a morning event (please let ATW know) the organisers of the event might enquire of St. Peter’s whether holding the competition in the morning might be a possibility. It was acknowledged that the trip would be even longer for those making their way from the north of Lincolnshire. No problems have been anticipated, but parking might be an issue.

Method for next year’s competition: All seemed happy with the proposal of three courses of Stedman for 2018. The brief discussion re-affirmed the consensus of discussions of earlier years: in this competition it is appropriate to err on the side of simplicity in deciding on what methods to ring, in order to enable less experienced ringers to take a part.

There was no further business, and the meeting was closed at 14:10.

Marjorie Winter, Acting Secretary