Minutes 2019

Ridgman 2019 minutes of the meeting

Ridgman Committee Meeting, The Ringing Room, The Norman Tower, Bury St Edmunds

14:30, 15 June, 2019.

Present:: Tom Scase, Suffolk; Richard A Smith, Cambridge University; Andrew Kelso, Essex; Stephen Clarke, Lincoln; Alban Forster, Ely; Richard Sales, Hertfordshire; Simon Dixon, Peterborough; Mike Clements, Norwich; Alan Winter, Secretary

The meeting opened at 14:30. All competing teams were represented.

The minutes were approved as circulated, nem con.

Comments on the organisation: All were very happy with the running of the day.  

Next year’s competition: responding to an invitation from LDG to hold the competition at Boston on either 13th or 20th June, we agreed that 20th would suit the majority better (however, at the subsequent meeting of all competitors it was pointed out that this would clash with the final of the National Twelve-Bell Competition and that meeting agreed to go for the 13th June 2020, this with apologies to the Peterborough Guild (who were represented) since it may clash with their AGM).  We were asked to take note that the height of the tower at Boston would be a serious impediment to some regular participants. We agreed that a mid-morning start is good and we accepted a suggestion from LDG that the method should be Grandsire Caters.

Method for next year’s competition: The brief discussion re-affirmed the consensus of discussions of earlier years: in this competition it is appropriate to err on the side of simplicity in deciding on what methods to ring, to encourage less experienced ringers to take part.  For Grandsire Caters the Committee raised no objection to having pairs of bells lie still at the start of a two-course touch but noted that there might just be time to ring fifteen leads.

Biggleswade was suggested informally for 2021.

There was no further business, and the meeting closed at about 14:45.